Computer skills examples
Operating systems
Office suites
Presentation software
Accounting software
A program is a set of ordered operations for a computer to do in computing. The program in the modern computer described by John von Neumann in 1945 has a one-at-a-time series of instructions that the computer follows. Typically, the application is saved in a computer-accessible storage location.
rita should either ask the original author for permission to use her blog, but the best answer woyuld be that she should site her sources.
i think it most be idea like me i am building an app i have an idea on how the graphics would be
Goal-based decision making is goal generation together with goal-based planning
This decomposition of decision making in goal generation and planning raises several
questions, such as:
– How to represent beliefs? How to represent obligations? In this paper we represent
beliefs and obligations by rules, following the dominant tradition in deontic logic
(see e.g. [26,27]).
– How to develop a normative decision theory based on belief and obligation rules?
In this paper we introduce a qualitative decision theory, based on belief (B) and
obligation (O) rules.
<span>Write a program that prints ‘Hello World’ to the screen.Write a program that asks the user for her name and greets her with her name.Modify the previous program such that only the users Alice and Bob are greeted with their names.<span>Write a program that asks the user for a number n and prints the sum of the numbers 1 to n</span><span>Modify the previous program such that only multiples of three or
five are considered in the sum, e.g. 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15 for n=17</span><span>Write a program that asks the user for a number n and gives him the possibility to choose between computing the sum and computing the product of 1,…,n.</span>Write a program that prints a multiplication table for numbers up to 12.<span>Write a program that prints all prime numbers. (Note: if
your programming language does not support arbitrary size numbers,
printing all primes up to the largest number you can easily represent is
fine too.)</span>Write a guessing game where the user has to guess a secret number.
After every guess the program tells the user whether their number was
too large or too small. At the end the number of tries needed should be
printed. I counts only as one try if they input the same number multiple
times consecutively.<span>Write a program that prints the next 20 leap years.</span></span>