1.) Having a stain on your rug there's only so much you can get out before your damaging your rug with cleaner
2.) Babysitting and having the child miss there mom, there's only so much you can do to try to calm him/her down
3.) Watering plants, if you haven't watered plant in a long time so you give them extra water, if you keep giving the plant extra water it will eventually drown and die.
To pay in taxes, to purchase goods to make things if the business is a factory etc. hope this helps
False because you only go and check your account you don't deposit anything only if you want
There are 3 jars which equal 4 jars which equal 3
Diego applying the systems model of change as a diagnostic framework
The Business Diagnostics Framework is a systemized way to diagnose the form of your business. The framework emerges from the external concentric rings, evaluating primary the outside environment and then penetrating down into the essential functional areas of the business processes.
Business diagnosis is a means of operating rearward to recognize causes for inadequate execution by making the relevant links within causes and effects. Thus, it is a method of knowing the signs or conditions of a problem. The Business Diagnostics system is a different framework that assists resolve even the most complicated business circumstances.