Hi. I'm not sure if there was supposed to be choices but I'll go ahead with answering this item. The structure that is meant is the Emergency Operations Center. It is the physical location at which the coordination of information and resourced support incident management (on-scene operations) activities normally takes place.
1) Turkey
2) Russia
3) Kazakhstan
Hope that helped. There are also a couple more, but you only asked for 3, so there you go!!! ;)
An institution of higher learning which offers training for specific careers, such as welding, culinary arts, plumbing, medical assisting, cosmetology, etc., can be referred to as a technical institute.
- Any institution that offers specialized education to produce expertise in specific fields of knowledge is a technical institute.
- Such institutes dispense knowledge that is only associated with the techniques and methodologies restricted to that particular field.
- Hence, they are known are 'technical institutes'.
Answer:isa. an unconditioned stimulus.
According to classical conditioning , the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is the one in which our response occurs naturally , automatic and unconditionally which means we don't learn how to respond.
For example a smell of your favourite pizza will immediately make you feel hungry because it actual triggers this automatic response from you. The smell of food is the unconditioned stimulus.
In Ivan Pavlov's classic experiment with dogs, when the dog smell their food , the salivating that result from them is an unconditioned response and food is the unconditioned stimulus, it an unlearned response that takes place naturally. This is the same as the meat powder above , which is the dog food.