Ellis Island was the main processing center for immigrants in 1892. There the immigrants were given exams and questioned by authorities. If they were not able to pass all the tests, they could be sent back to their homeland, or detained.
The question She/he was asking was: Which answer choice best paraphrases this excerpt?
I assume you are referring to Chapter 11 of "Frankenstein". The creature stays so long by the fire pit because he had never seen fire before, and it is a great relief to him to finally get warm. He examines the fire, finds out that it burns when touched, realizes that it is made of wood, and that the roots which he eats taste much better when roasted. He does his best to maintain the fire, but he has to leave it in search of food. Finally, when he leaves it, he "laments" because he doesn't know how to make fire again.
D. Since the father likes taking risks in a game, he might like taking risks in life as well.
This is the best choice. Process of elimination helps when answering this question. From this excerpt, we don't have any clues that the father is possessed or says insane things. We also cannot infer that the woman knitting indicates that the character don't have good clothes to wear. During this time period many women would knit in the evening. We also can't infer that the son is not old enough to play chess. There is nothing to indicate the age of the son or that he doesn't know the rules.