<span>It is the Appellate Jurisdiction. It is the authority of a higher court to survey choices and change results of choices of lower courts. The most re-appraising locale is authoritatively made and may comprise of advances by leave of the investigative court or by right.</span>
Regeneration (reproduction) refers to the seedlings or saplings existing in a stand. In silviculture, it is the act of renewing tree cover by establishing young trees naturally or artificially. ... Stand age structure is an important characteristic used to characterize and classify stands and silvicultural systems.
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that in this scenario Piaget might say that Darnell was assimilating the comb into his existing schemes. Meaning that Darnell was using the what he knows about other things to determine what the comb is/does. Such as using his senses, which in this case he decided to taste the comb.