The answer is mass and distance.
In an oligopoly type of market, there are only few producers whom dominate the market. This is the market type wherein there are only small number of firms that control the majority of the market share. The opposite to Perfect Competition, wherein there are unlimited number of producers. In an oligopoly, since there are only a few numbers competitors, each firm is likely to be aware of each other's action.
Genes coding for proteins involved in chiasma formation.
Chiasma is the connecting link between two non sister chromatids from homologous chromosomes. At chiasma chromosomal crossover takes place in which the genetic material is exchanged between the chromatids. During meiosis aneuploidy occurs if chiasma is absent or impaired due to a mutation in genes encoding for proteins involved in chiasma formation.
Aneuploidy is characterised by presence of abnormal number of chromosomes in cells. They can be 45 or 47 in number apart from the usual 46. Due to impaired chiasma, chromosome pair fails to separate and is passed on to the egg or sperm as it is hence there is one gamete with an extra chromosome and one gamete with a less chromosome. Aneuploidy can result in many genetic disorders like three copies of chromosome 21 can result in Down syndrome.
Dextrose and fructose are both types of sugar. the sugar with the best flavor. plenty of whole grains. the starch. called milk sugar.
It is also found naturally in other plant foods such as honey, sugar beets, sugar cane, and vegetables. Fructose is the sweetest naturally occurring carbohydrate, 1.2 to 1.8 times more sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). is the sweetness of Fructose metabolism does not require insulin and has little effect on blood sugar levels. There are many different types of sugar, some more common than others. Fructose, like glucose, is a type of sugar known as a simple sugar or "simple sugar". Monosaccharides can be combined to form disaccharides, the most common of which is sucrose, or "sugar." Sucrose is made up of 50% fructose and 50% glucose. Fructose and glucose have the same chemical formula (C6H12O6), but due to their different molecular structures, fructose is 1.2 to 1.8 times sweeter than sucrose. In fact, fructose is the sweetest natural carbohydrate.
In nature, fructose is most commonly found as a component of sucrose. Fructose is also found in plants as a simple sugar, but that doesn't mean other sugars don't exist.
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