Because there is a total of 118 in the bag and only 65 are gum drop
I think The second step of cellular respiration is the Kreb's cycle and it occurs in mitochondrial matrix.
First step of cellular respiration is glycolysis and it occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell.
I am not really confident about my answer.
If I am wrong please correct me. <span />
Incorporating basic life support, the first thing one should do is survey the scene. Look for any obstacles that will make the response difficult such as shattered glass, fire, etc. Second, call emergency hotline (usually it's 911 but it may differ from other countries). If you are a certified basic life support provider, then continue with the next steps. Next step would be checking the patient's airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC) by checking the if there is blocking the airway, or if the patient can breathe spontaneously, as well as the pulse. Next step would be assess if the patient as a cervical fracture as this should be handled carefully. If the patient is not breathing or has no/decreased pulse then proceed with doing CPR until help arrives.
speciation is when one species splits off into multiple species.
In-depth answer:
Speciation can happen in 4 different ways, the first being Allopatric Speciation, where 2 groups of the same species are physically separated for extended periods of time, and when they're re-introduced, they don't breed.
Sympatric Speciation is when 2 groups of the same species aren't seperated, but form different behaviors that isolate them reproductively (the groups wont inter-breed)
Parapatric Speciation is when 2 groups of the same species are suddenly placed into a new environmental niche, and adapt in different ways to fill that niche.
Quantum Speciation is much less recognized, but it's when a new species rapidly evolves and 'buds off' from the original group