The man had cooked a loaf of bread in the microwave, but when he took it out to eat it, the hard bread hurt his microdont teeth for just a microsecond.
This leads her to believe that Darcy must have a personal reason for this visit; namely, that he is in love with Elizabeth (answer: C.)
The Merchant of Venice is set in Italy in the sixteenth century, mainly in Venice. At that time, Venice was an independent city-state. In Shakespeare's era, setting plays, especially comedies, in Italy was a popular practice, and Shakespeare used Italian settings for many of his works.
<span>The meaning of the quote from the play "whose misadventur'd piteous overthrows" means w</span><span>hose misfortunes set them back. During the entire course of the story, the star crossed lovers are trying to overthrow their misfortunes and their terrible situation. But as the audience well knows, their fate is sealed. </span>