the marshal plan and korean were based on the Truman doctrine, and most exemplifies the containment policy
On the other hand, the Berlin airlift least exemplifies the containment policy because it was the techniques used to overcome the iron curtain and escape the east Germany communist regime, under Soviet Russia.
Globalization refers to the increased interdependence of nations, which involves goods,services and cultures. In an ever shrinking world, threats to security poses a risk to communities across the world. This realization has enabled communities and nations to enter into treaties and agreements with an aim of sharing intelligence information on risks such as terrorism,cyber crime and sabotages of economic and political aspects.
There has been criticism from anti-globalization activists who compound that globalization has also globalized threats as it escalates cultural intolerance. This view is however not founded on the premise but the anti-thesis.
Some of the events leading up to the Boston Massacre are noted below. British troops had been stationed around Boston, so that officials representing the British crown could enforce unpopular legislation and this created even more tension. A mob had formed around the British soldiers and shouted verbal abuse at them and harassed them. This eventually led to the Boston Massacre.
The answer is 15971 trools were killed