The Four Stages of Toilet Learning
by Kristi Hayward (CDFC Teacher)
Stage One: Toilet Play
Pretends to toilet, usually with clothes on
Observes others going to the bathroom
Shows an interest in the toilet
Stage Two: Toilet Practice
Practices flushing
Practices pulling pants up and down
Practices getting on and off the toilet
Practices squatting and standing
Practices hand washing
Ask is diaper is wet or dry, clean or dirty
Stage Three: Toilet Learning
Shows interest in wearing “real” underwear
Feels the need to urinate by showing gestures, is verbal or uses facial expressions
Holds urine for longer periods of time
Acquires the desire to be clean
Has words for using the toilet and tells you when they have to go
Can pull pants up and down for themselves
Stands and sits well on their own
Shows signs of pushing and concentration when they are ready for a bowel movement
Tells you they are soiled or wet and needs to be changed
Stage Four: Independent Toileting