<span>They thought that constitution grants too much power to the federal government. They wanted to give states more rights to decide about their fate.</span>
The Founding Fathers credited the 39th clause as the origin of the idea that no government can unjustly deprive any individual of “life, liberty or property” and that no legal action can be taken against any person without the “lawful judgement of his equals,” what would later become the right to a trial by a jury of one’s peers.
The last phrase of clause 39, “by the law of the land,” set the standard for what is now known as due process of law
The election of 1800 is historically important for the following reasons: Power transferred peacefully from one party to another. The federalists stayed in power.
Civilians did things such as mend clothing for soldiers, make ammunition from household silver, and many women followed their husbands to the battlefield where they washed, mended, and cooked for troops. Very few were able to fight in combat, but some women did.
Answer: The Revolution's most important long-term economic consequence was the end of mercantilism. ... The Revolution opened new markets and new trade relationships. The Americans' victory also opened the western territories for invasion and settlement, which created new domestic markets.