East Africa being Egypt, I'm pretty sure and it depends on what time period but the silk Road went right through east Africa so trade was probably really quick thanks to the silk road and the connection between the middle east and Africa...
I’m not sure which reformers you’re referring. However, most reformers during the stated time period gained support through the press or by word of mouth. Ambient bars and beer halls were a good place for politics to be discussed during the time period. They could have printed their information, or done speeches and events in the public square. (Public square referring to bars, halls, gatherings, or even public protests) at the time boss napping was actually a form of protest in France and other European countries on a smaller scale.
Sep 10, 2020 · We live separately, snarling at each other across a growing divide. The result is a politics of fear and rage, where policy differences often take a back seat to the list of grievances that red ...
sorry if this doesn't helps i had to look this one up