Najważniejsi artyści tego okresu pracowali we Włoszech.
We Włoszech działali najważniejsi artyści epoki renesansu. Masaccio, Donatello, Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian i Agnolo Bronzino to artyści włoskiego renesansu. ci artyści poprzez swoją sztukę szerzą swoje poglądy, aby przekonać ludzi do renesansu. Renesans to ruch intelektualny występujący w XVII i XVIII wieku w krajach europejskich.
Grains, oil, and textiles were native to Babylonia while they exchanged timber, wine, precious metals, and stones. (merchants received in exchange for these items)
There are a few similarities and differences between IWW and AFL.
‘Industrial Workers of the World’ is a labor union and its main aim is to unify the workers so that they can at any given time force the employer to pay them better, may be for shorter hours and give them good conditions to work in. They welcomed all the workers, whether men or women or African Americans, immigrants into same organization.
American Federation of Skilled labor organized the minority of skilled labors into national unions. They defended the rights of skilled labor by asking for shorter working hours and higher wages. But they did have any political interference in their association.
He made a rule saying if you do not work you do not eat. hope that helps
The Columbian Exchange had positive and negative consequences.
Some of the positive consequences were the introduction of different nutrients and food supplies into the Old World, such as corn or potatoes. This improved the diet of most Europeans, leading to a population growth in the next generations.
However, Europe benefited more than the Americas, for some of the negative consequences about the Columbian Exchange were the introduction of diseases into the continent and the slavery of African populations into the Americas.