Periodization is the process of categorizing the past into discrete, quantified, named blocks of time in order to facilitate the study and analysis of history. This results in descriptive abstractions that provide convenient terms for periods of time with relatively stable characteristics.
On December 11, 1931, Canada acquired full legal autonomy from Britain. It was the date that the Statute of Westminster was passed that established the Crown Dominion of Canada as independent of the British Parliament. Despite being granted the right to govern itself way back in 1867, Canada did not enjoy full legal autonomy until December 1931.
In 1982, Canada took the last step to become a totally independent country that could legally amend its constitution instead of depending on Britain in any way. It was Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau who helped bring in the final change.
Everything was part of the colonial economic system: the overseas territories supplied raw materials to the metropolis and these often sold the manufactures they produced under a monopoly regime to their colonies. With the passage of time, these practices were banned in the different countries that carried them out. Or at least officially, since unofficially the slave trade continued well into the nineteenth century, practically until the last colonial territories obtained independence or achieved a more rigorous political status within the State than that of a mere colony.
The FFA headquarters is established in Alexandria, Virginia, on land which was part of George Washington's estate. The FFA had owned the land since 1939 and used it as a national camp. The New Farmers of America, the organization for African-American agricultural students, merges with the FFA, adding 50,000 members.
<em>hope this helped! :)</em>
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