That statement is false on a number of levels. Jeremy Bentham was not a boot maker. He was born to a wealthy family and was studying Latin by age three. He trained as a lawyer and became famous as a philosopher. Oh, and he died in 1832, so he wasn't doing much of anything in 1841. He is famous as one of the founders of Utilitarianism as an ethical theory. He also did philosophical work in regard to criminal justice and prisons. He proposed what he called the "Panopticon" as a design for prisons, in which all inmates can be observed from a central guard position.
Its Africa bro cause I looked it up in google lol
In the case of the former slaves who became free after slavery was abolished, they were not always treated as such. Sure they were free in the eyes of the law, but many opportunities that a lot of white folk had weren't immediately available to everyone. In theory, being free could mean having more opportunities, but you have to remember just because you're free it doesn't mean you are guaranteed certain rights or opportunities as others are, it just means you have free will and you aren't in shackles. After all being free doesn't mean being fair or equal, and they are definitely not synonymous.
The great awakening was about making people individualists when it came to religion. Moving away from institutionalized religion and into the realm of self-reflection and religion being a personal thing. Since the religion was usually tied to the country, making it a personal thing could have implications that governing of a state should be a personal thing, that is that people should not have a monarchy and rather a republic.
Because there was cheaper and faster transportation.