a living system is a system in an organism consisting of organs. each organs carry out different functions to ense life processes can be carried out effectively. The function of the organs are determined by the cells which make up the tissues. The connections are important to remove wastes/toxins out of the body and help absorb nutrienys, in some cases produce hormones as a form of homeostasis to ensure the body remains in a healthy optimised state constantly.
Answer and Explanation: So the plant/algae take nitrogen from the topsoil by captivating through roots, such as the Glutaminic Acids, ammonium ions, or nitrate ions. Plants can't necessarily get nitrogen from instant air, however, plants obtain nitrogen through a natural process.
Hope this helps! :-)
x= nucleus
y= chloroplasts
z= vacuole
1) an animal cell does not contain a vacuole but a plant cell does
2) a plant cell contains chloroplasts but an animal cell does not
The unit rate. The gigabyte remains since it's already a unit value "Every one gigabytes." So,
Teen Mobile: $0.5 per day and $10 for every gigabyte. so, y = 0.5x + 10
Bruh-rizon: $1 per day and $7 for every gigabyte. so, y = 1x + 7
Teen Mobile: Bruh-rizon:
x = Monthly y = 30x + 7y
y = each gigabyte
y = 15x + 10y