That would be integumentary system
Answer: hello some details relating to your question is missing below is the missing detail
DNA Sequence= 3’ - TACTAGTTGTGCATT - 5’
Complementary Sequence=5`-ATGATCAACACGTAA-3`
Answer : MINT
The protein ( sequence of amino acids ) that resulted from your Translation is MINT
The m-RNA Produced form the information above is:
While the Protein Sequence is Met-Ile-Asn-Thr which can be written as MINT
B. Because of Farm laws that require no seeds to be kept from a harvest, or you are not allowed to have plants of a different genetic make or made by a different company in your field if you didn't buy it, you could have wind carry seeds into opposing fields, and if inspected, you would potentially have to pay a fine for having unauthorized varieties growing in your field. And trying to remove it would be a pain, because you would either have to find a killer that your plants are resistant to, or to find these individually and pluck them, or to spray a killer that would kill all of your plants, but none of these resistant varieties
Oou do the one where you see which plants grows best in different lighting