<h2><em>C is the correct answer. Hide Behind a Bush. Now my question is... What in the hell kind of test are you taking where it asks you how to take a picture of someone without them knowing?</em></h2>
Post-and-lintel system
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Post-and-lintel system, in building construction, a system in which two upright members, the posts, hold up a third member, the lintel, laid horizontally across their top surfaces. All structural openings have evolved from this system, which is seen in pure form only in colonnades and in framed structures, because the posts of doors, windows, ceilings, and roofs normally form part of the wall.
D. Raphael
Nicolas Poussin was the leading painter of the classical baroque style.
According to Baroque history, Nicolas Poussin traveled to Paris, where he studied under minor masters and completed his earliest surviving works.
His enthusiasm for the Italian works he saw in the royal collections in Paris motivated him to travel to Rome in 1624, where he studied the works of Renaissance and Baroque painters—especially Raphael, who had a powerful influence on his style.
From historical evidence about Poussin, it is evident that Raphael had the most influence on his painting style
In twelfth-century West Africa, what kind of artwork did artists create for the royal court of Ife?
<h3><em>A. bronze and terra-cotta sculptures</em>✅</h3>
B. ivory and brass masks
C. wooden headdresses
Frrr honestly are people that du mb. like that is a real thing and theyre just gonna make a joke out of it. Im scared for he future of the people. cuz it's just messed up.
people should but a brain and get a life