Ceremony which can as well be reffered to as Rites and Rituals in an organization can be regarded as a pre-planned events which has social, formalities as well as latents purposes. This manifest purpose have effect on how the organization is working and in aiding the acheiving the organizational goals. It involves motivation of employee in the organization by giving bout award to the outstanding among them. For instance, On the foundation day of an organization, the president of the organization awards exceptionally performing employees with a bouquet and a plaque at a banquet every year is an example of a ceremony.
Dr Bonds payable $50,700
Dr premium on bonds payable $4,265
Cr Cash $53,000
Cr gain on bonds retirement($50,700+$4,265-$53000) $1,965
The premium yet to be amortized on the bond at retirement is the carrying value minus face value i.e $54,965-$50,700=$4265
The premium on bonds payable would now be debited with $4265
The cash paid on retirement would be credited to cash account
The face value of the bonds payable of $50,700 would be debited to bonds payable in order to show that the obligation has been discharged.
A. €1,244,212.10
Contract Size Country U.S. $ equiv. Currency per U.S. $
£ 10,000 Britain (pound) $ 1.9600 £ 0.5102 interest APR
12 months forward $ 2.0000 £ 0.5000 rates
€ 10,000 Euro $ 1.5600 € 0.6410 i$ = 1 %
12 months forward $ 1.6000 € 0.6250 i€ = 2 %
SFr. 10,000 Swiss franc $ 0.9200 SFr. 1.0870 i£ = 3 %
12 months forward $ 1.0000 SFr. 1.0000 iSFr. = 4 %