What are some of the choices? comment down below if you already have the answer :^)
Down the great rivers that flow into the Baltic Sea. Then the sailors would portage (carry and drag) their ships between rivers, heading for southern flowing rivers, such as the Dneiper and Don,
Urban showed himself to be an adept and powerful cleric,
Wanting to reinforce the power of the papacy, Urban seized the opportunity to unite Christian Europe under him as he fought to take back the Holy Land from the Turks.
Urban denigrated the Muslims, exaggerating stories of their anti-Christian acts, and promised absolution and remission of sins for all who died in the service of Christ.
The correct answer could be<em> "Ghetto."</em>
When the Nazi's began to crack down on the Jews, Jewish businesses were boycotted and Jews were barred from education past elementary. The first instance of Jews being forced into certain living conditions, were when the Nazi's dedicated certain parts in a city strictly for Jews to live in. These were called ghettos. Many of these ghettos had poor living conditions and were subject to daily purges by the occupying Nazis. One famous ghetto was the Warsaw Ghetto in Warsaw, Poland.