Remember that guanine always pairs with cytosine, and thymine always pairs with adenine. That means that any time there is a guanine, there is always a cytosine.
If there are 10% guanines, then there are 10% cytosines. That means the total of guanines and cytosines is 20%.
The other 2 bases (thymine and adenine) have to make up the rest of the bases. That means they have to make up 100-20 = 80%.
Again, there will be equal amounts of thymine and adenine, so 80%/2 = 40%.
To see the best way to teach them! Most people learn off there learning style so if you teach a different way it would be hard for them to understand
Each have adapted in very similar ways to similar habitats.
According to Darwin, given a similar set of conditions, two different organisms can adapt in the same direction. Here, the sugar glider inhabits Australia and the flying squirrel inhabits North America. There is a huge distance between their locations and also they are two different species with no direct evolutionary relation. However, because of the similar conditions present in their habitats, they developed same traits over the time. Both of them live in forested areas so they developed loose skin between their limbs which allowed them to glide freely between the trees.
The answer is 83.38%.
The probability of young children having blood levels that impair their neurological development is given as 60% in the question. To find the probability of at least 5 children out of 10 in a sample having said blood levels, we need to use the binomial probability.
n represents the total number of children in the sample so n = 10 and p is the probability of the children having blood levels causing the problem which is 60% so p = 0.6.
We want the probability of it being observed for 5 or more children and that is
. If we subtract the
from 1, which is the probability of not observing the condition in 5 or more children, we will have the
which are the probability range in the function, the sample size and the probability of observing the condition respectively.
The result is 1 - 0.1662 = 0.8338 which means that the probability that is asked is 83.38%.
I hope this answer helps.