No. Although it can kill small things like skeleton around it, the royal giant does more damage. At least that is my opinion. Another reason is that the royal giant has a more grand hearing than the electro giant. is the correct answer
Antibiotics inhibit enzymes specific to bacteria and have no effect on virally encoded enzymes
The specificity of the antibiotics to inhibits some bacterial enzymes is one of the major reasons why antibiotic do not affect viruses.In addition antibiotics are designed to have a significant destructive effects on the mechanisms of biochemical reactions in bacteria and its physiology, e,g on the cells walls,( inhibiting the formation of peptydoglycans) on certain organelles e,g ribisomes (inhibiting protein synthesis) and on the DNA(disrupting replication). The virus physiology is different from bacteria, therefore the design of antibiotics will nor affect these same mechanisms in viruses, thus no specificity for the antibiotic to act on in virus
Well, as asexual reproduction suggets that offspring is genetically identical, you can assume that the "mother cell" qlso has 24 chromosones and thus may potentially have a genetic disorder