Dystopian fiction presents the power of fear very realistically and dystopian or utopian fiction could be used to manipulate readers by scaring them off with the possibility of what could happen (bad). Dystopian fiction presents a future where many people suffer and live in misery because of something taken to the extreme. Dystopian or utopian fiction, therefore, manipulates the reader to not do what caused the misery in the story. Dystopian fiction exaggerates existing problems in our reality to show readers what could happen if society continues down a certain path. Both utopian and dystopian fiction is used to warn readers about the risks of attempting to alter society in any way. “Dystopian authors argued that the pursuit of perfection will inevitably lead not to ‘no place’ but to a ‘bad place’, because of flaws within the system” (Ostergaard, Commonlit). So this kind of future is a fear for the people and it is a dangerous world. It is a kind of future where no one wants to live in.
ram told me that i was late
(In my opinion) id write about how I’d be kinda jealous because she got more attention but to make me not jealous i would think about how helen needs the attention. Helen has disabilities which has to be taken care of carefully , if the disabilities aren’t taken care of or cared about then that would be pretty bad and it could get a lot worse . People with disabilities need as much as attention as they can get, not too much attention or you’re treating them like babies , so that will make them act like a baby because that’s how they would be treated . They need attention to know that you are taking care of them , you’re with them and fully there to help them if needed.