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The answer is b. and c.
With regards to answer b: A persuasive political speech is geared towards presenting an idea to the general population and supporting it with rhetorical argument. The politician uses rhetoric to garner support from the people, so the speaker has to use devices that appeal to the peoples general sentiments. For example, if a country is facing the decision of signing a free trade deal, the president might deliver a speech to persuade the people of the idea that free trade is the key to economic success.
With regards to answer c: the political speech might serve to unite people during a difficult time, such as wartime, and motivate them to act in the best interest of the country. Consider Winston Churchill, who led Britain to prosperity during World War II. He boosted the morale of the British people, and frequently travelled to the battle fronts to show his people that he new how to solve complex war situations and consequently take action. Since he consistently had 78% approval as prime minister, we can argue that his speeches united Britain and made them strive to take the best course of action.
She was born on December 22, 1993, which means that she is 21 years old.
She was born in Nantucket, MA (Massachusetts).
Australia is the leading producer of bauxite