You can finish this sentence by saying, "You're having a misunderstanding!"
In her paper, the main part of the essey. the quotation would say "(Atwood page number)". For example "(Atwood 210-234)". In her bibliography that is works cited the citation would look like this:
Margaret. <em>Waltzing Again: New and Selected Conversations with Margaret
Atwood</em>. Ed. Earl G. Ingersoll. Princeton: Ontario Review, 2006. Print.
This would be option A of your question. It is important to note that editors go after the title of the book. Keep that in mind. Also the name of the book has to be in italics.
The ebony clock effects people with it's strong forceful sound. It draws the attention of people through it's proud chimes.
Yes, you did a great job!
In the parking lot, two delivery trucks pulled in.
Two delivery trucks pulled into the parking lot.
(Both are correct)
Hello brother outthere nice