Conservadurismo es el nombre que se le da a las políticas políticas que enfatizan el valor de las tradiciones y costumbres y el progreso gradual en lugar de la revolución. Lo que se considera tradicional difiere de una sociedad a otra, por lo que las políticas conservadoras adoptan formas muy diferentes de un país a otro. Los conservadores de un país también pueden discutir sobre los valores básicos que deben mantenerse. Algunos conservadores quieren mantener el status quo mientras que otros buscan restaurar el status quo ante.
Europe mostly
north america
south america too
Soviet Union DID NOT join, it started the Warsaw pack
The Persians followed a monotheistic religion called Zoroastrianism, which perceived just a solitary divinity named Ahura Mazda. In view of the lessons of the Persian prophet Zoroaster, this was the official religion of the Persian Empire, in spite of the fact that vanquished people groups were permitted to rehearse their own religions.
A strong fortified settlement is not the push factor in migration
There is difference between a push and a pull factor. Push factor is the cause which forces a person to leave the country in search of better living. Depletion of resources, war and famine are some of the push factors.
Pull factors are the aspects which pulls or attracts the migrated people into the land due to the abundance of natural resources, better living conditions, employment opportunities, educational opportunities and practicing religious freedom. These are various pull factors which allures the people for migration. African Americans migrated from the southern states to union in search of better living conditions and industrialization which opened huge employment opportunities.
It would be "traditional forms of poetry" that was not characteristic of the beat movement and the beat generation, since much of this movement had to do with "doing away" with tradition in many different aspects of life.