(d) Brazil
On October 26, 1917, Brazil declares its decision to enter the First World War on the side of the Allied powers. One day before the U.S. declaration of war, a German U-boat sank the Brazilian merchant ship Parana as it sailed off the coast of France.
During the 1970's the national organisation for women actively promoted the legislation, out of the clean air act, the voting rights act, the civil rights act and the Equal rights amendment.
The right opiton is the Equal Rights Amendment which was very important to the women in the country and it would help the women to have the same rights as the men after so many years and hence it was very revolutionary.
A senior citizen could be described as a reservoir of knowledge and experience because they have been alive the longest which would provide them with experience to know more or have seen more.
It required that all escaped slaves, upon capture, be returned to the slaver and that officials and citizens of free states had to cooperate. Abolitionists nicknamed it the "Bloodhound Bill", after the dogs that were used to track down fugitives from slavery.
Many thinkers credit the printing press with the success of Protestantism.
What is important to note is that there has always been reform efforts in the Catholic Church. Some succeeded while others were violently shut down.
With the printing press, ideas and critiques were able to spread and build steam allowing a scholar in London to build on the ideas of a monk in Germany.