a. That she has the mark of a criminal, the fleur-de-lis.
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In January 1947, the United States Army had an excess of metallic sodium left over from World War II and determined that the alkaline waters of Lake Lenore would be a good spot to dump and neutralize the acidic element, which reacts with water with intense explosions.
Alliance for Progress
In the address, Kennedy reaffirmed the United States' pledge of coming to the defense of any nation whose independence was endangered, promised to increase the food-for-peace emergency program and to provide economic aid to nations in need.
What makes <em>The Importance of Being Earnest </em>a comedy of manners is the way it satirized the behavior of the Victorian aristocracy.
It mocks the rich, and shows how shallow and inconsiderate they are, thinking only about trivial things.
Huh I don't get what your saying ?