A number of tiny hair like bristlez are present on the lower surface pf an earthworm's body. These bristles help it to get a good grip on the surface of q ground.However these bristles donot provide good grip on plain glass tiles.
The original location of an earthquake is known as the epicenter.
The goal of materials engineering is to predict and control material properties through an understanding of atomic, molecular, crystalline, and microscopic structures of engineering materials
It would be the yew tree.
Yew (Taxus baccata) is a typical tree of churchyards, where some are thought to be well beyond 1,000 years old. Poisonous yew trees were planted in churchyards by the farmers to make sure that their animals didn’t stray into them. "<span>They stop and sleep under the yew tree (the monster), but in the morning, the young woman is dead, having been murdered, and the shocked young prince is covered in blood."</span>
Answer: C) The event at the end of the Triassic Resulted in the extinction of fewer fauna’s then in any other period
Looking at the graph, the event at the end of the Triassic resulted in the smallest dip in the amount of fauna in the graph. This means that this event resulted in the extinction of fewer faunas than any of the other five major events.
Option A is wrong as the event at the end of the Devonian decreased the number of Cambrian fauna.
Option B is wrong as the event at the end of the Cretaceous resulted in a decrease in the Paleozoic fauna.
Option D is wrong because the event that resulted in the Extinction of more fauna’s then in any other period was the event at the end of the Permian.