If you compare them, Denver has a much colder climate.
Supongo que solo trata de probar cuál es cuál con una prueba que inventas. eso es muy confuso
The benefits and harms of learning about my DNA are mostly in medical, personal, civil and criminal fields.
a) Pros: learning about my genome sequence could provide new information on the genetic basis of poorly understood diseases with the potential to provide new therapies, immediate benefits based on the current understanding of genetic and health. Being aware of elevated risks for known diseases could allow me to make proactive decisions about my health such as visiting the doctor frequently for more check ups, screening. Choosing one type of prescription drug over another based on my metabolism, changing my diet or exercise plan, informing reproductive decisions, moreover, I would personalize my health care precisely.
b) Cons: the potential harms are the privacy invation, database exposure , which could lead to serious implications for the criminal justice system, which generally seeks to increase the availability of DNA samples from the population. It would create genetic discrimination, meaning that would be harder to find jobs, contract insurance, even though we have a Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.
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Answer: In the restaurant business, the use of plastic can sometimes be unpreventable, as it serves many purposes and plays a vital role in our consumption of food. One of the great advantages of plastic is that it’s designed to last for a very long time: nearly all of the plastic ever created still exists in some form today. It is in use all around us — from protecting products, to the interior of our cars, to preserving food, to the medical devices used in hospitals every day. While there are numerous positive characteristics of plastic, there are also some considerable negatives. Every day, many plastic items are only used once and then are thrown away, generating one of the fastest growing problems for the environment. We call this “single-use plastic.”
There are countless amounts of plastic items in our landfills and additionally, in our lakes, rivers and oceans. Since it takes years and years for plastic to decompose, it can release toxic chemicals into our soil and water, which can affect human health and wildlife.
With this in mind, it is important not only for individuals to reduce their plastic use, but for restaurants to lead in example by reducing the amount of plastic generated in the workplace. Many large companies like Starbucks, IKEA, and Disney have already committed to eliminating single-use plastic waste in the near future, and we expect many others will follow suit. Here are five tips to help contribute to reducing plastic waste: