A. Weather.
Usually or average are terms that are often associated with weather conditions.
Weather is the average atmospheric conditions prevalent in a particular place over a short period of time.
When forecasting weather, predictive terms like usually are employed to denote expected weather events
Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from the splitting or hydrolysis of water in the green plants. Cornelius van Niel experimentally proved for the first time that the oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from water and not from carbon dioxide.
photosynthesis is the prosess by which plants transform carbon dioxide into food and oxygen
The metric system is a system of weights and measures that was first applied in 1795 in France. Experts everywhere the world use it as the international standard to evidently communicate data. The significance are the following:
• SIMPLICITY which is the metric system is much simple than the english system because it uses a standard conversion influence for all units.
• FAMILIARITY which is almost every nation excluding the united states has accepted the metric system as its official system of weight and measures.
• UNIFORMITY which is scientists use the metric system so all experiments are conducted using the same weights and measures.
• HISTORY which is the general session on weights and measures formally chosen six metric units to be used as international standards in 1954 and in 1960 and the meter was formally distinct established on the wavelength of light from krypton atoms.
• TYPES which is the metric system use meters for space, grams for mass, liters for volume and candelas for light.