To reduce the debt, the country could raise taxes and/or cut spending. These are two of the tools of contractionary fiscal policy, and either tactic could slow economic growth. Spending cuts come with pitfalls thoughExplanation:
As a <u><em>top level</em></u> manager, Randall focuses on the survival, growth, and overall effectiveness of the organization, and he interacts extensively with outside individuals and organizations.
A top-level manager can be described as a manager who is responsible for the overall management and effectiveness of an organization. They can also be described to be the senior executives for a business. They work on the top level and the middle-level executives and frontline executives report to them.
As Randal functions to improve the overall effectiveness of the organization and he does not have to report to other executives hence he is a top-level executive.
The correct answer is A. search warrant
Answer – The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
<span>The decision of the Soviet Union's to invade Afghanistan in 1979
impelled a change in President Jimmy Carter's approach. He pursued called for
significant increases in defense spending despite his preference for protecting
national security through non-military means. Carter insisted that the Soviet
Union's actions jeopardized the Middle East.</span>