Possible Answer -
Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information: Studying psychology can help one gain critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, and interpersonal skills.
Hope this helps (:
Using the following scenario, evaluate the relevance of the instructor's questions.
Emil is nine years old. He likes singing and listening to music. His parents are considering enrolling him in an orchestra camp for 9- to twelve-year-old children.
The instructor asks many questions to assess Emil's readiness. He is concerned when he hears that Emil is still dog paddling after taking swimming lessons, but is glad to hear that Emil enjoys taking voice lessons and that he responds well when his teacher corrects his spelling.
The only statement true among all given statement is-
Regular health insurance will not pay for alternative medicine services.
More than a quarter of adults in the US are consuming some form of alternative medicine. They are most likely to pay them from their savings. Alternatives though find a vast variety of use but are not covered under regular health insurance.
This can be considered as the most important reason as to why people hesitate to choose alternatives over traditional medicinal practises. This has ensured the survival of traditional allopathy even though it is costly than alternative medicine.
However, there is an increasing perception among people that alternatives are more effective and popular. But the dominance of traditional medicines won't go unless the alternatives are included in the health insurance segment.