Silence, solitude, delusion, and the negative effects of adhering to social norms are some of the major themes of Ethan Frome. Wharton uses personal stories to illustrate her conceptual points. From the summary we can find out the passage questions.
The events of Ethan Frome take place against the backdrop of a New England winter's bitter cold, gloom, and desolation. Ethan Frome is a reclusive farmer struggling to make ends meet while caring for his cold, demanding, and unappreciative wife, Zeena.
When Mattie, the cousin of Ethan's wife, shows up to help, a glimmer of hope breaks into his life of despair. As he falls in love with Mattie, his life is forever changed, but their future is doomed by the oppressive traditions of the time.
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton is a classic work of American literature that features likeable characters who are caught in situations from which it seems impossible for them to get out.
The accident in the novel is probably based on a true event that took place in Lenox, Massachusetts in 1904 where five children got killed while crashed into a lamppost when sliding down Courthouse Hill.
To know more about Ethan Frome go to
Im new too
your supposed to help people and let people help you !
Well anne Frank lived in Amsterdam Holland so you could do that
Bradford says that each family was given a plot to grow so that the food supply increased. As time passed, everything went well according to plan and the supply of food increased. William Bradford was the governor of the Plymouth Colony, elected 30 times.
If Biden is elected, everything would be closed including schools. People will die due to lack of money and jobs (also customers). A virus that has 99% recovery rate below 60
If Trump is elected, No one will be interfered. And everyone will continue their business as usual. Schools & businesses will be open. People will wear masks as they please.