If this effort had no effect on the wages of its workers, one might consider this as evidence in support of:
d. neither the human-capital nor the signaling view of education.
The human capital view of education argues that education increases workers' productivity, which also affects some increase in workers' wages. The signaling view states that education passes a message about workers' various innate abilities to potential employers. This implies that the focus of the signaling view or theory is not the effect of education on the students but the message communicated in the labor market.
The first week of this unit I had a mix of emotions, excitement and stress . The topics covered each week have giving me the opportunity to increase my knowledge in many areas. Having an interest in teaching when I started this course has now grown to having an interest in learning as well. Reflecting on my education as a child has shown me the growth in teaching and our current education system.
Professionalism was a great way to start the unit; this topic has giving me the chance to understand the responsibilities that teachers have to students and their parents. On beginning this topic I believed that professionalism was about ethics and how teachers conducted themselves in and out of the classroom. However while this is…show more content…
Cognitive learning and constructing knowledge are topics that hold a strong interest to me. Working with children that have language disorders and cognitive issues the more knowledge I gain in this area assist with the quality of instruction that I provide. Meaningful learning is vital in assisting students to learn and to store newly learned knowledge. Students will benefit from high quality concrete examples, simple and precise instructions. Language development should be encouraged and modelled students should have the opportunity to ask questions. Introducing new words within instructions will assist the student in extending their vocabulary. It is important for all students to put into words their understanding of the tasks being taught.
Understanding cognition and how we learn is essential in the developmental stages of children. Not all students learn in the same way, understanding the cognitive process will assist in the development of the students. By modifying my approach when giving instructions I have noticed growth in current students that I am working with. Using concrete materials and giving the opportunity for students to be involved in hands-on activities on a daily basis, is essential in making new material meaningful to learners.. The knowledge gained from this topic has increased my understanding.
Monopoly is a form of market structure when a particular company dominate the market of a particular product leaving room for little or no competition.
The correct answer is letter "C": FICA.
FICA (<em>Federal Insurance Contributions Act</em>) tax is a mandatory deduction taken from employees' payment to cover elder American's Social Security and Medicare. It is a 12,4% deduction financed by two parts: half of that amount is taken from the worker's paycheck and the other half is paid by the employer.
No, he doesn't show diminishing marginal utility. Yes, he shows increasing marginal utility for Coke.
The law of diminishing returns states that the marginal or addition satisfaction or utility derived from the consumption of a product increase until a pint and then starts to decrease.
Units Total utility Marginal utility
1 10 10
2 25 15
3 50 25
After 3 bottles, John does not show diminishing marginal utility as the marginal utility (as shown above) continues to increase with each additional bottle of coke consumed.