Hemoglobin.pulmonary artery.
1. about hemoglobin.Hemoglobin is the protein inside red blood cells. It carries oxygen.
2. about pulmonary artery.The pulmonary artery is a big artery that comes from the heart. It splits into two main branches, and brings blood from the heart to the lungs. At the lungs, the blood picks up oxygen and drops off carbon dioxide. The blood then returns to the heart through the pulmonary veins.
3. There exist a concentration difference of carbon dioxide and oxygen inside the alveoli and capillaries due to which the diffusion of the two gases takes place. The carbon dioxide moves from the blood to the alveoli sac and the oxygen moves from the sacs to the blood.
A leaf is made up of many layers and is surrounded by two. Upper epidermis, mesophyll, bundle sheath, vein, mesophyll, lower epidermis, and guard cells.
Manzanilla, hinojo, menta puperita, melisa, regaliz, jengibre
The answer to the question above is a cell.
We do quite often have mutt birds. (the correct name for such a mutt is a hybrid. <span>They are way more common than most people think, but unless you are a birdwatcher you probably wouldn’t even spot them. People often see an odd looking birds and simply think it’s a type they haven’t seen before, when in fact it is a hybrid of two well-known species.
Having said that, for birds to hybridized they have to be fairly closely related to start with. Robins and blue jays are no more closely related than humans are to baboons. You wouldn’t expect a human and a baboon to be able to mate and produce babies would you? So no, robins and blue jays can’t interbreed.
However there are many different species of animal that CAN interbreed and produce offspring. But the different species need to be fairly closely related, far more closely than human and baboon… or a blue jay and a robin.
For example we can interbreed horses and donkeys to produce baby mules, and we can breed cattle and buffalo, or camels and llamas. And the same is true of birds. While blue jays can’t be bred with robins in the wild we quite frequently find mutt birds.
Ducks are particularly noted for forming wild mutts and many if not all north American mallards for example are of mixed species ancestry.</span>