A urine test
A blood test
A rectal prostate exam
I thin the best way to know which of the bull is the father of you cow, find the bull that Marcelino has seen last day that the bulls have gone to the fence and let the cow be the bait and of the cow will agree on a bull that the bull could impregnate her again, i think he's the father. Its just my suggestion :)
The outcome variable in a question about causality is also referred to as the dependent variable. It <span>is what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day. Feel free to ask more questions.</span>
Objects have the same velocity only if they are moving the same speed and in the same direction. objects moving at different speeds, in different directions or both have different velocities. they represent objects that have different velocities only because they are moving in different directions.
Rationing is a method that is used to distribute a resource in a period of extreme scarcity. Example of rationing would be what the soviet union did during the communism era.
At that time, the lack of production in that country make foods became extremely hard to get. So the government only allow the citizens to obtain small amount of food in order to ensure that all citizens can have something to eat.