En este caso, EPD tiene un valor de 0,73, siendo menor que 1. Por lo que la demanda del bien es inelástica y la cantidad demandada aumenta (disminuye) en menor proporción de lo que baja (sube) el precio.
La elasticidad precio de la demanda (EPD) indica en qué medida los cambios en el precio alteran la demanda de productos o servicios concretos. En otras palabras, la elasticidad precio de la demanda señala cuánto varía la cantidad demandada de un bien cuando varía su precio.
Se calcula comparando el valor porcentual del cambio en el precio con el del correspondiente cambio en la demanda. Es decir, se define como el cambio porcentual en la cantidad demandada dividido por el cambio porcentual en el precio.
Si la EPD > 1, se dice que la demanda del bien es elástica y la cantidad demandada aumenta (disminuye) en mayor proporción en que baja (sube) el precio. La cantidad demandada aumenta (disminuye) en mayor proporción en que baja (sube) el precio.
Si la EPD < 1, se dice que la demanda del bien es inelástica y la cantidad demandada aumenta (disminuye) en menor proporción de lo que baja (sube) el precio. La demanda de un bien es inelástica cuando la reacción de los consumidores ante un cambio en el precio no es significativa.
Si la EPD = 1, se dice que la demanda del bien tiene elasticidad unitaria y la cantidad demandada aumenta (disminuye) en la misma proporción en que baja (sube) el precio.
<u><em>En este caso, EPD tiene un valor de 0,73, siendo menor que 1. Por lo que la demanda del bien es inelástica y la cantidad demandada aumenta (disminuye) en menor proporción de lo que baja (sube) el precio. </em></u>
Task performance
creative task
Task performance
This is a performance assessment system that measures the way and manner a specific task was carried out. This can cover observable work-related behavioral pattern or time and accuracy of task
Routine Task performance
This is a performance assessment technique that involves popular attitude to normal demands or routine.
Adaptive Task performance
This deals with employees behavior towards certain, predictable and unusual job.
Creative Task Performance
This is the development of a useful ideas that can be deployed in both routine and adaptive task.
This question is incomplete. However, I found the full question with choices from the web ;
Which of the following describes the results of an increase in supply on price and quantity in the market?
a.) Both price and quantity increase
b.) Both price and quantity decrease
c.) Price increases and quantity decreases
d.) Price decreases and quantity increases
e.) Insufficient information
If the supply of a product or service increases in the market, it means that there will be an increase in the quantity of that product/service. Due to the interplay of the law of demand and supply, competition among suppliers will increase, driving the price down. Therefore, there will be a fall the equilibrium price and increase in quantity , making choice D correct.
I do not understand your question explain further
Answer: D) Cost per unit
In terms of manufacturing field, where the goods are manufactured, service operation is the process which workers manage and control demand of customers after getting training from operation manager.
Cost per unit is not the factor that acts as differing agent between manufacturing process and service operation because it is a part of the process which is handled by workers .
Other options are incorrect because transportation, contact of customer and resale are the factors that contrast the manufacturing service and service operations.Thus, the correct option is option(D)