The correct answer is A. Prewriting stage of the writing process
The prewriting stage is the first stage in writing that involves generating ideas for writing, selecting the topic and main idea, and organizing the content of a text. This stage includes multiple strategies such as brainstorming, outlining, prewriting, and looping.
In the freewriting strategy, the writer lets his/her thoughts flow naturally to generate ideas about a topic by writing for a specific time without stopping or focusing on grammar, order, or connections, which is useful to have fresh ideas before writing the text. Similarly, in looping the writer writes freely but he/she focuses on a specific idea, which is selected from the text he/she wrote using the freewriting strategy. This means both strategies help writers to generate ideas before writing and therefore they belong to the prewriting stage.
In "The Lady or the Tiger," the door that bothers the princess the most is the one which has the lady behind. The reason is that the princess hates the lady because she is very beautiful. Besides, when the lady spoke to the princess' lover, they smiled at each other, so the princess is paranoid about her lover falling in love with the lady more than being killed by a tiger.
It is true that Sonnet 73 is written in iambic pentameter. All of Shakespeare's sonnets are written in iambic pentameters, which means that an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed one (iambic), and that there are ten syllables in each line (pentameter - penta means 5, meter consists of two syllables).
Machiavelli's view of human nature is that people will be very attracted to power and will want to achieve it no matter what the means. The term "machiavellian" is often associated with deceit, deviousness, ambition and brutality, which is what rulers most often exhibited around the time the book was written (1513).