The source and destination IP addresses are and
NAT or network address translation is a network protocol is used by private networks to access the internet by assigning or mapping a public IP address to the private addresses.
The host with IP address searches for the actual destination IP address in its private network and when it does not find it, it sends the packet to the default gateway IP address, which is where the private IP address is NATted and sent to the destination.
variation of colored sediment
Many students coming into Woodworking 108 are bewildered by “all those little marks ... Parts of an inch will be referred to in fraction form instead of its decimal equivalent. ... on divisions of 2: 1” 2= ½”. ½” 2= ¼”. ¼” 2= 1/8”. 1/8” 2= 1/16”. 1/16” 2= 1/32” ... way is to realize there are 16/16 in an inch and count back 3 of the 1/16 ...
The answer is
Technically, we have two
types of firewall, a one way firewall and a two way. A one-way firewall will
protect you from incoming threats. A two-way built-in or standalone firewall
will add another layer of protection and thus, it is a must have tool.