"a hole is connected to the wire that brings the electricity back to the breaker box. when you turn on a lamp, the hot part of the outlet allows electricity to flow" I got this info from
The only option can give IP addresses is the DHCP The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, because the DNS (Domain Name System) only translates IP addresses to a hostname, and WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) or WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) if for security network, doesn't matter if is a wireless router, in a network always DHCP gives the IP addresses.
See the code below and the algorithm explanation on the figure.
The explanation in order to get the answer is given on the figure below.
Solving this problem with C. The program is given below:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int n, Even=0, Odd=0, Zeros=0;
for (;;) {
printf("\nEnter the value the value that you want to check(remember just integers): ");
//IF we input a non-numeric character the code end;
if (scanf("%d", &n) != 1) break;
if (n == 0) {
else {
if (n % 2) {
else {
printf("for this case we have %d even, %d odd, and %d zero values.", Even, Odd, Zeros);
return 0;
miles_gallon = float(input("Enter car's miles/gallon: "))
dollars_gallon = float(input("Enter gas dollars/gallon: "))
print("Gas cost for 20 miles is $", (20 / miles_gallon) * dollars_gallon)
print("Gas cost for 75 miles is $", (75 / miles_gallon) * dollars_gallon)
print("Gas cost for 500 miles is $", (500 / miles_gallon) * dollars_gallon)
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the car's miles/gallon and gas dollars/gallon
Calculate the gas cost for 20 miles, divide 20 by miles_gallon and multiply the result by dollars_gallon, then print it
Calculate the gas cost for 75 miles, divide 75 by miles_gallon and multiply the result by dollars_gallon, then print it
Calculate the gas cost for 500 miles, divide 500 by miles_gallon and multiply the result by dollars_gallon, then print it
// here is code in Java.
// package
import java.util.*;
// class definition
class Main
// method that return sum of two sale value
public static int Add(int euroSales,int asiaSales)
// return the sum
return euroSales+asiaSales;
//main method of the class
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
// variables
int euroSales=100;
int asiaSales=150;
int eurasiaSales;
// call the function
// print the sum
System.out.println("total sale is:"+eurasiaSales);
}catch(Exception ex){
Declare and initialize two variables "euroSales=100" and "asiaSales=150". Declare another variable eurasiaSales. Call the method Add() with euroSales and asiaSales as parameter. This method will add both the value and return the sum.This sum will be assigned to variable eurasiaSales.Then print the sum.
total sale is:250