The body system that directly provides for this demand is the circulatory system. When you exercise, the circulatory and muscle system cooperate, in order to meet the increased needs for strength and energy. The circulatory system involves the network which delivers blood to every part of your body. This flowing of blood ensures that the tissues are oxygenated and rich in necessary nutrients. During exercise, more blood flows to and from your muscles, in order to deliver the necessary amounts of oxygen to complete the aerobic respiration.
Without the greenhouse effect the earth would be very cold.
The main difference between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration is that aerobic using oxygen in the reaction, while anaerobic does not.
Even though both aerobic and anaerobic respiration releases energy, but their reactants and other products are completely different.
For example in human, in aerobic respiration, oxygen and glucose reacts to give out carbon dioxide and water; while in anaerobic respiration, which usually happens during exercise when oxygen is not enough, the muscle cells uses only glucose to produce energy and lactic acid.
Therefore, the main difference is where aerobic uses oxygen, and anaerobic don’t.
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