An earthquake and a volcanic eruption on Grenada will have devastating effects.
The Caribbean countries (in this case we'll speak about Grenada) that have active volcanoes tend to be small islands. This makes them ultra vulnerable if a natural disaster or combination of multiple natural disasters strikes. The reason as to why they are in such bad position if this occurs is because everything will be stranded on a very small area, with the full effect of the disaster being felt, no one will be able to get to a safe place, and it is hard for help to come from other countries.
A stronger volcanic eruption combined with an earthquake has the capability of destroying the majority or all of the infrastructure in this country. But it is not that that will be the most tragic, it will be that all of the population will be stranded and in danger to get injured or end up dead which can go so far that the country may even seize to exist.
The acts and laws that outlined the road towards equality are :
- in 1964 Jhonson passed the civil rights act outlawing public discrimination (which outlined a road where all races are treated as equal)
- The nineteenth amendment gave women the right to vote, which made women to have a represntative within the government
Strict building codes and school drills were implemented in Chile after the 1960 earthquake that was the largest ever recorded on the planet.
I would believe its either Continental Drift or plate tectonics