si no spanish no sabo se okkkk
Well Mexicans and Cubans drink a lot of stuff!
Although, it is said that Mexicans drink Tequila as Cubans drink Coffee!
“That same week was the International Music Festival in Cartagena. There were many parties and parades on the street.
Carolina and Magdalena decided to go visit a friend who was a scientist and they walked towards the exit of the hotel. When they saw the parades in the streets of Cartagena they put on costumes to try to hide, and so that the pirates would not recognize them.”
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1. Nunca
<em>Nunca</em> means <em>never </em>in English, so a sentence using this word is:
- <em>Nunca había visto un expectáculo tan asomboroso</em>
This means:
- <em>I had never seen such an amazing show</em>
2. Nada
<em>Nada</em> means <em>nothing </em>in English, so a sentence using this word is:
- <em>Nada en esta vida importa más que la felicidad</em>
This means:
- <em>Nothing in this life matters more than happiness</em>
3. Nadie
<em>Nadie</em> means <em>no one/nobody </em>in English, so a sentence using this word is:
- <em>Nadie vino a mi cumpleaños</em>
This means:
- <em>Nobody came to my birthday</em>
4. Algo
<em>Algo</em> means <em>something </em>in English, so a sentence using this word is:
- <em>Quiero algo grande para mi boda</em>
This means:
- <em>I want something great for my wedding</em>
5. Alguien
<em>Alguien</em> means <em>someone </em>in English, so a sentence using this word is:
- <em>Necesito que alguien me ame como merezco</em>
This means:
- <em>I need someone to love me as I deserve</em>