Quick question! What is the size of your pants?
The articles gave the government no separation of powers. The government was too weak, the Articles left much of the power to the states (if I remember correctly, states basically went by their own state constitution). Congress didn't have the power to tax. To change the Articles, it had to be decided unanimously by all states. Also, 9 out of the 13 states had to approve any major law before it was passed and Congress couldn't regulate commerce. There was no president to lead, no established court system, and every state had only one vote in congress.
Basically, the articles created no separate executive department to carry out and enforce the acts of Congress and no national court system to interpret the meaning of laws.
What were its natural surroundings?
Ghana Natural Surroundings:
- plains, low hills, rivers, Lake Volta, the world's largest lake, Ghana can be divided into four different geographical ecoregions; the coastline is mostly a low, sandy shore backed by plains and scrub and intersected by several rivers and streams while the northern part of Ghana features high plains.
C. Europe to South Africa.
Portuguese moment.