Swim bladder
Swim bladder is an organ in bony fishes such as catfish that controls their buoyancy. It is also known as air bladder. The swim bladder contains gas, mainly oxygen and functions as a hydrostatic organ.
As the fish moves in deeper water, the gas in the swim bladder is contracted which decreases the volume of swim bladder.
The answer is pp
Steve and Sonya's son genotype is pp. Because an inheritance of autosomal recessive disorder is with recessive allele responsible for the exceptional phenotype. In this case, Steve and Sonya are both heterozygotes, Pp, which means they both have a p allele because each one gave the boy a p, contributing to affect his son. And since we are talking about inheritance of an autosomal disorder, we know that the parents phenotypic proportions are the same.
Average max. elongation rate = modified RNA pol./ wild type RNA pol = 2/12 = 0.166 nucleotides per sec.
After treating the wild type and experimental RNA with amanitin solution, the amanitin actively binds to the active site of wild type RNA polymerase, inhibiting addition of nucleotides and also it interferes with the motility of RNA pol. along the DNA template, due to which their is a sharp decline in maximum elongation rate of mRNA. In case of experimental RNA polymerase, due to single base substitution the experimental strain is already having very low elongation rate, but binding of amanitin causes constraint on the motility of RNA polymerase through the DNA template, thereby decreasing the elongation rate. Average max. elongation rate = modified RNA pol./ wild type RNA pol = 2/12 = 0.166 nucleotides per sec.