Interphase is important for cell division because it allows the cell to grow, replicate its DNA, and make final preparations for cell division.
They convert a lot of their waste into useful substances through photosynthesis. Gaseous wastes are excreted during respiration through the plant's stomata and root cell walls. At night, when photosynthesis cannot occur, excess water is released through the tips of the leaves.
Other waste products are released as leaves and flowers fall off of a plant. In addition to oxygen, water and carbon dioxide, other plant waste products include resins, saps, latex and tannins. Some of these products are released into the soil surrounding the plant.
This question is incomplete because of the absence of the graph. However, the independent variable of an experiment is the variable that is not affected by any other variable during the course of the experiment but is however intentionally or unintentionally predetermined by the researcher conducting the experiment. For example, in an experiment to determine the effect of age on blood pressure; age is the independent variable because the age class/groups of the individuals to be used can be determined by the researcher also the age cannot be affected by the pressure (the age of a person cannot change because of an increase/decrease in blood pressure).
Also, the control of an experiment is the variable/data in which other data in the same experiment are compared to. For example, in an experiment to determine the effect of a substance (such as sepin-1) on the growth of cancer cells (using a culture medium), the control can be the culture medium that was not given any substance or the culture medium that was given a pure substance of no effect like water. This means, in this control culture medium, the cancer cells will continue to grow normally while that growth will be compared with what is seen in the culture medium treated with sepin-1.
Does that mean in order? if not the answer is C