Customer Table
- Customer name
- Customer id
Product Table
- Product id/number (primary key, auto increment)
- Product name
- Product sale price
Transactions Table
- Transaction Id
- Customer Id
- Product id
- Quantity
- Price
- Date
Natalie wants to fetch following information from database
- Look up customer name and sale price
- Sort items in db by product number
To lookup customer name and sale price perform a join on Transactions table and Customer table.Assuming database is build in mysql the query to fetch required results would be
select transction.productId,transaction.customerid,customer.customername from transactions join customer ON
where productid="user provided product id of returned product"
For sorting products by number set produc number in product table a auto increment primary key
Well, you need to partition your hard drive. Partitioning your hard drive designates usable space on your hdd.
And you need to format your hard drive. Formatting installs a file system on to your hard drive, it allows the operating system to read, write and overall understand the data stored on the disk. Without it, an OS cannot keep track of file locations, nor can it typically identify already used sectors (space) on a hdd.
However, neither of these two concepts are tests.
Force is a push or pull which is exerted on an objects. Types of Force are
Contact forces
Non contact forces or At a distance forces
Examples of Contact forces are:
Stretching of the spring of a balance
pushing of a pram
kicking of a football
Pushing the door
Hitting the ball etc are some examples of contact forces.
some types of contact forces are given in the list below:
Applied force
Normal force
Frictional force
Tension force
Air resistance force
Spring force