The answer is death. The best of this is in his work The Indian
Camp. It was not just death where his
stories centered on. Hemingway also
wrote several stories that embody themes of greed, apathy, cruelty, hunger,
tenderness and love among the others.
Many of themes were influenced by many experiences that he had in his
Answer: Sentence 4
The sentence that clarifies meaning of
<em>They brought home a baby sister for their son named Julia</em> is :<em>They brought home a baby named Julia, who was the sister of her brother.
The sentence is a bit confusing because the reduced relative or adjectival clause, named Julia, is separated from its anticident, sister ,by the prepositional phrase, for their son.
No personally animals should not be held in captivity, although yes some animals are safer while being held in captivity some zoos, particularly roadside attractions are extremely mismanaged and horrible for animal care. Animals suffer from neglect, small cages, etc. Animals love being in their natural habitat but many animals kept in zoos are forced to become domestic pets. Along with that up to 5000 animals are killed a year in zoos(Only in Europe).
We are as clouds that veil the midnight moon;
<span>How restlessly they speed, and gleam, and quiver </span>