I might be wrong but Im pretty sure its
“Georgia’s flag should be a symbol of our resistance to federal integration laws.”
The men lacked experience in warfare
To build a huge army that would march the large standing armies of Germany and Austria, which were to the numbers of 9 million, the USA had to quickly build an army, when Wilson and the nation,could no longer play dumb to Germany unrestricted submarine warfare. as a result, congress,enacted the selective recruitment act that required all men, aged between 21-28 year to register with local drafts boards, as the war raged, the years were raised to 45 years. These men had not served in the army and were simply sent to battle after very little training.
I think Religous Subject not sure tho
In the colonies of Georgia and South, Carolina serfs were most able to establish their own society with a minimal amount of outside interference.
The colonies of South Carolina and of Georgia was established by the cultivators from the overcrowded British sugar island of Barbados. They took a large number of African slaves from that island to establish a new plantation.