If a binary number ends in 0 it is even, and if it ends in 1 it is odd. The last spot is the one's place. All the other places are multiples of two, so only if there is a 1 added to the end would it be odd.
Semantic Web
The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries. It is a collaborative effort led by W3C with participation from a large number of researchers and industrial partners.
Memory send commands to the CPU . Alternative modes of memory exist, and each one of them plays an essential role in operating a software machine.Memory is commonly called storage. Either the storage is unstable or non-volatile.
Answered below
# Program is written in Java
class WeekHours{
double school;
double fun;
double sleep;
double sports;
WeekHours( ){
school = 0.0;
fun = 0.0;
sleep = 0.0;
sports = 0.0;
public void setSchool ( double x){
school = x;
public void setFun( double y){
fun = y;
public void setSleep( double w){
sleep = w;
public void setSports( double z){
sports = z;
public void totalHours(){
double tHours = school + fun + sleep + sports;
Divide 1210 by 16 and write reminder divide until value zero
first step divide 1210 by 16 = 10
then 75 divide by 16 = 11
we can write 4 B A
in hexadecimal